Title: Investigation of the effect of the number of junctions on the Seebeck effect voltage produced
Abstract: The Seebeck effect is when two dissimilar metals are connected with a different temperature at each end of the joints, a potential difference is induced by the flow of excited electrons from the hot joint to the cold joint. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether more junctions would increase the voltage produced by the Seebeck effect. The Seebeck effect could be used to create a reliable and renewable energy source. More junctions would increase the voltage produced by the Seebeck effect. Constantan wire and copper wire were used to make the junctions because these materials are easily accessible, flexible and that they have an average Seebeck coefficient. In the experiment, hot water baths were used as the hot junction and crushed ice was used as the cold junction. The results of the experiment showed that the number of junctions does not significantly affect the voltage produced, despite the articles online saying otherwise.
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